23 November 2005

Poke In the Eye With a Sharp Stick

Greetings Fellow Bloggers and Other Miscreants,

Well, the next time the good reverend Pat Robertson decides to take out a hit on a head of state, he first ought to consider the good works that person may have done. Especially when said head of state has potentially given more to the poor of this USofA than he has.


21 November 2005


Greetings fellow bloggers and other miscreants,

I homeschool my 6th grader and my 3rd grader. So I belong to a couple of yahoogroups that are dedicated to homeschool issues. One in particular is a group of homeschoolers who are also dedicated to progressive political issues. So we talk more about politics than homeschooling, altho the two sometimes merge.

Yesterday someone raised the question, would you vote for Hillary Clinton if she were on the Presidential ticket in 2008? Well, I think the question was actually, if it were 2008 right now, would you vote for her? I was surprised to find that almost overwhelmingly the answer to that was very negative.

Most of the people on this list questioned her ability to lead, questioned her integrity and see her in a similar light as John Kerry. They see her as an extremely political animal. But the thing that really surprised me was how voraciously this group is also de-crying the Democratic National Committee. I've been feeling for a long time like they just keep shoving bad choices down my throat, but I was heartened to hear others saying they feel the same.

I just hope the DNC can hear us too.


Fearless Leader

Greetings fellow bloggers and other miscreants,

I continue to be grateful to the BBC. Without them, we'd never know how wonderful our president truly is.


16 November 2005

Take Heart

Greetings fellow bloggers and other miscreants,

We can only hope that new veep chief of staff Addington has cause to travel to London sometime soon. Read this article to find out why he will be hoist with his own petard.


14 November 2005


Greetings fellow bloggers and other miscreants,

Follow this link and read the letter that was published in the Eugene, Oregon Register-Guard written by Stephen Barnes and published in their Opinion section ... because I think everyone I know should read it, then they should send it to everyone they know, and they should send it to everyone they know and so on and so on.

Everyone in this whole country needs to read this letter.

Everyone is this whole country should be hanging our heads in shame over what our government and thus we the people have done. We have sunk so low.

13 November 2005


Greetings fellow bloggers and other miscreants,

Did anyone else read this article in BBC about the US tackling Syria for human rights abuses?

Ummm ... why on earth does anyone in the current administration think that anyone else in the world is going to take that kind of criticsm seriously coming from them?

One cannot commit some of the most egregious human rights abuses in the last 25 years, refuse to be held accountable for it, scream that the leakers be brought to "justice" and then be taken seriously on human rights anywhere in the world ... even here.

Do we understand how much danger we are all now in?

11 November 2005

Mid-Term Elections

Greetings Fellow Bloggers and Other Miscreants,

The mid-term elections took place earlier this week. Sometimes I think the state of Virginia is schizophrenic.

Republican senators. Largely Republican Congressmen. Democratic Governor most of the time.

Go figure.

Here was the strangest part of all. The Republican candidate ran one of the most vicious campaigns ever. The attack ads were beyond the pale. The Democrat did not respond in kind. I was amazed. It was a wondrous thing. He went on to win. I'm not sure he's going to be good for the state. He'll be better than the Republican would have been. But still ....


Greetings Fellow Bloggers and Other Miscreants,

When, the other day, I heard about the latest bombing in Amman, Jordan, I went to the BBC website to read about it. That's where I take most of my news now ... BBC. They are more credible than any stateside source. They also have a unique feature with most of their articles ... e-mail commentary. It's almost like a blog comment feature. You probably all know what I'm talking about. Because anyone who is reading this, has read the BBC.

In any case, I read the comments from around the world. One stopped me cold. The writer issued a challenge to the United States to send as much aid to Amman as they do to Israel, but went on to imagine that we would not. Several other writers imagined that the U.S. would not care as much about Jordan as we do about other oil producing countries. Etc., etc., etc. I started to try to write some feeble defense of us ... you know ... the "other 48%" who did not vote for GW. To tell the world that there is a whole other side of this country who does care about the rest of the world. But then I realized ...

much to my ...


the government we have IS our country to the rest of the world. This is it. W is the face of us to everyone else.

What shame.