15 September 2005

Osama Won

Greetings Fellow bloggers and other miscreants,

Well, I think we have to finally say that Osama won.

Al Qaeda won.

There it's been said.

We can dispense with that and move along to the important stuff.

They won because we now have to wait in long security lines at airports ... but we're really not any safer.

They won because we've spent untold millions on "Homeland Security" but we couldn't help save a flea in New Orleans two weeks ago. In fact, if Katrina had hit in 2000, I think the residents of New Orleans would have been better off. They would have been safer.

I think it was Ronald Reagan who asked us to ask ourselves whether we were better or worse off than we were before his opponent took office. Well, now we have to admit ... we are much worse off than we were before 2001. I'm not pointing fingers, I'm just saying that we've thrown our money down a rathole.

Now let's combine this rathole with a quagmire that is attracting militants and terrorists to it's cause (Iraq). We are in a world of hurt at the moment.

In the next election cycle we need to elect a real leader. Not just someone who is different from gwb. Not just a democrat. But a "real" leader. Someone who can pull this country's irons out of the fire.

Does anyone have any good ideas?

1 comment:

Maggie said...

How about you?